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About Hydrogen

AHC Webinar Series - Working with Communities

The final installment of the AHC webinar series for 2022 was held on the 15th November 2022, 2:00pm – 5:00pm AEDT.



Slide deck presentations

Andrew Turley, AEMO – The Integrated System Plan

Richard Bolt, Net Zero Australia – Land use to get to net zero

Mike Young, EnergyCo NSW – The importance of REZs

Fiona Simon, Australian Hydrogen Council – Water to produce hydrogen

Ruby Heard, First Nations Clean Energy Network – First Nations perspectives

Warwick Ragg, National Farmers Federation – Farming perspectives

Warwick Squire, GasFields Commission- Natural Gas in Queensland Part 1

Ali Davernport, Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise – Natural Gas in Queensland Part 2

Fiona Simon, Australian Hydrogen Council (using material from Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner) – Renewables lessons

Fiona Simon / Carol Bond, Australian Hydrogen Council/RMIT – Process and next steps

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