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AHC Members Portal

WG1: Certification


1. Work with government(s) to develop a hydrogen certification scheme that verifies and tracks:

  • Production technology
  • Carbon emissions associated with production (scope 1 and scope 2)
  • Production location.

2. Engage where possible to promote internationally consistent definitions and standards low emissions hydrogen.


Katerina Aleksoska, AHC: [email protected]


WG1 supports the work of the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to develop a fit-for-purpose hydrogen guarantee of origin.
AHC is engaging with the Clean Energy Regulator’s HydrogenGo trials through members who are directly involved in the trials and through the CER’s Stakeholder Forum. WG1 has taken a decision that regular meetings are not required during this consultation unless matters relating to certification which are outside the purview of the CER arise. It is anticipated that work relating to international markets and green hydrogen definitions are likely to be a key focus for the group when the European Commission publishes its final Delegated Acts or other nations outline their requirements relating to the import of green hydrogen and meetings will be scheduled as progress is made on these issues.

Member sentiment around the need for clear, achievable standards for green hydrogen was communicated to Australia’s Quad Nation partner (India, Japan and the USA) at a workshop on regulation, codes and standards in Delhi. The Secretariat will continue to deliver this message to stakeholders both domestic and abroad.

The Certification Working Group has engaged closely with the Federal Government, through DCCEEW and the Clean Energy Regulator on the development of a scheme to certify the provenance of hydrogen produced in Australia. The WG has worked alongside these agencies to develop an initial vague concept of ‘hydrogen certification’ into the more refined approach which is currently being discussed as the GO Scheme.

Work in 2023

1. Development of the GO Scheme until it is formally legislated

2. Expand the scheme to hydrogen derivatives

3. Definitions of low emissions hydrogen in potential export markets.

Recent material

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AHC Scenarios:
Scenario 1 Grid connected for DISER
Scenario 2 Certified Renewable Gas to SMR for DISER
Scenario 3 Off grid for DISER

January 2023 – IRENA report – Creating a Global Hydrogen Market: Certification to Enable Trade

November 2022 – IPHE Working Paper Methodology for GHG Quantification in H2 Production – Version 2

220617 AHC/CEC SUB EU Delegated Acts under the Renewable Energy Directive

IPHE Working Paper
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