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Media Release

Australian Companies Heading to Europe to Form Partnerships in a New ‘Hydrogen Economy’

11 April 2022: Australian hydrogen companies and project owners are preparing to travel to
Rotterdam for the World Hydrogen Summit (9-11 May), Europe’s leading hydrogen

Rotterdam will be the first big opportunity to engage with Europe in more than two years, and
Austrade is proud to be partnering with the Australian Hydrogen Council.

According to analysis by Deloitte, Australia’s hydrogen economy could be worth up to $26
billion by 2050, opening doors to new streams of foreign direct investment, increasing
innovation within the sector and contributing significantly to a reduction in greenhouse

Australian Hydrogen Council CEO Dr Fiona Simon said the Australian contingent represents
many companies at the forefront of the hydrogen sector. This is an important conference in
terms of the exchange of knowledge but importantly, the creation of business opportunities
and collaborations that connect and drive international supply chains.

“Hydrogen presents Australia with an economic growth opportunity, a way to evolve our
resource and mining sectors and provide long-term economic security.

Australia is not only putting its best foot forward at Rotterdam, to demonstrate global
leadership in a fast-evolving space. It is also about doing the groundwork to create a viable
future export market for hydrogen and its derivatives,” said Dr Simon.

Trade and Investment Commissioner for the Netherlands, Annika Barton said Australia is
competitively placed to be a major global player in the production and export of green
hydrogen and already highly regarded as a prime candidate for global supply chain

“With decades of energy export experience and an ideal geography, Australia is leading the
way to scale up the global hydrogen economy. There is strong commercial appetite to shape
this energy transition within the industry,” said Ms Barton

“European partners have a great deal to offer with key production technologies and in
supporting utility scale of hydrogen projects. Australia is not only producing innovative
hydrogen storage and transport technologies, but also sees Europe as a key client for
offtake of green hydrogen within the next decade.”

Companies such as Woodside, CWP and Origin Energy, among others, are leading the way
in investing in hydrogen technologies and initiatives to help reduce the emissions of their
customers and supply chains.

“With Australia well positioned to be a major supplier of green hydrogen, and global demand
continuing to rise, establishing ties with future global markets will lay the groundwork for a
prosperous sustainable hydrogen energy future,” Ms Barton said.


About Australian Hydrogen Council
The Australian Hydrogen Council is the peak representative body for the Australian
hydrogen industry.

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