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Media Release

Opposition Policy a Solid Base but More Detail Needed

The Federal Opposition has made an announcement about its emissions reduction policy.
Australian Hydrogen Council (AHC) CEO Dr Fiona Simon made the following statements:

“The Australian Hydrogen Council welcomes the Federal Opposition’s announcements in its Powering
Australia plan.

“While hydrogen is not the centrepiece, Labor’s policy does put down some solid policy markers relating to steel manufacturing, use of electrolysers and fuel switching, while leaving room for more announcements.

“For example, we would welcome more detail on how Labor would protect Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed Industries as the economy transitions. We expect both sides of politics to have more to say as they move closer to an election – especially in relation to national coordination, regulation and planning.

“Our concern is that no proposal yet announced by any party addresses the current patchwork of policy
measures between the two largest tiers of government.

“We do welcome Labor’s recognition that Investment in technology has the potential to grow the economy through the creation of new industries and export opportunities.

“We underline that only a coordinated and considered approach to achieving net zero emissions by viewing it through a whole of economy lens will allow Australia to transition efficiently, and take advantage of the opportunities that decarbonisation presents.

“Market incentives and fuel emissions standards also need to be part of the discussion if we are to accelerate the transition to zero emissions vehicles to enable Australian families and businesses to make transport decisions which contribute to emissions reductions.”

About Australian Hydrogen Council
The Australian Hydrogen Council is the peak representative body for the Australian hydrogen industry.

Click here to download the media release PDF.