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Media Release

AHC welcomes Government’s $2bn Hydrogen Headstart program

Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Hydrogen Council welcomes the Australian Government’s
budget announcement of $2 billion for a new Hydrogen Headstart program, $38.2 million for a
Guarantee of Origin scheme and $2.0 million to establish a fund to support First Nations people and
businesses to engage with hydrogen projects

Please attribute the following statement to Dr Fiona Simon, CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council:

“The Australian Hydrogen Council has asked the Federal Government for a strong signal that it is
committed to the hydrogen industry’s development, particularly in light of fierce global market
competition for investment dollars.

“Tonight’s budget is exactly the signal the market needed to remember – and then act on – the fact
that Australia has the potential to be a world leading hydrogen producer.

“The AHC commends the Albanese Government for this demonstration of confidence in the vital role
that renewable hydrogen has to play in the energy transition, and in Australia’s vital role to be a
hydrogen producer for our region.

“Competitive hydrogen production contracts are a much-needed market mechanism to provide
revenue support for flagship projects, and will help get more and more large hydrogen projects off
the ground so we can scale up to gigawatt scale capacity as soon as possible.

“These projects would not be possible without the support of communities.

“We are delighted to see $2M allocated to a fund to support First Nations people and businesses to
engage with hydrogen project proponents, planning processes and program design. It is crucial that
hydrogen projects have the support of communities and that communities reap the benefits from
having projects in their regions.

“There is, of course, much more to do, but as the name of the Hydrogen Headstart mechanism
indicates, this is an important early step.

“As Australia’s peak body for the emerging clean and renewable hydrogen industry, we are looking
forward to working with the government and our members to bring this important policy to life,” Dr
Simon concluded.


About Australian Hydrogen Council
The Australian Hydrogen Council is the peak representative body for the Australian hydrogen
industry, with members from across the hydrogen value chain. We represent the emerging hydrogen
industry and connect it with its stakeholders to collectively create a clean and resilient energy future
that has hydrogen as a key part of the energy mix.

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Future Made in Australia legislation

Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Hydrogen Council believes the Future Made in Australia legislation represents a long-term solution that supports Australia’s economy through the energy transition,

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