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About Australian Hydrogen Council

AHC committees

Two committees help shape the direction and efforts of AHC. These meet quarterly and are open to any member to join.

Policy Committee

Forum for members to engage and collaborate on the development of AHC’s policy platform, and to inform AHC’s advocacy efforts with governments.
  1. Support the development of AHC‘s position on policy and regulatory issues, such as those related to government hydrogen strategies and implementation plans.
  2. Provide input into AHC‘s government relations and communications strategies, and support their execution, including participation in AHC government engagement activities as appropriate.
  3. Identify and support AHC responses to relevant government matters.
  4. Support AHC‘s development and management of relationships with all levels of government.
  5. Identify priority research opportunities of importance to the hydrogen sector and support the delivery of these projects either through AHC or by an external party.
  6. Support AHC‘s advocacy efforts with non-government stakeholders including media, research bodies and industry associations as required.
  7. Support information sharing and relationship building with industry bodies working in hydrogen-related areas.
  8. Support other AHC Committees as required.

Technical Committee

Forum for members to engage and collaborate on the safe use and handling of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in Australia, and to inform AHC‘s advocacy efforts with governments.
  1. Represent the industry on technical and regulatory hydrogen safety matters, including production, transport, dispensing, usage and export hydrogen (gas, liquid and intermediates).
  2. Work with government agencies and regulators to develop appropriate Australian hydrogen safety regulations, codes and standards.
  3. Promote best practice to end users (including consumers and technicians) with a focus on Australian regulations, codes and standards.
  4. Support and promote vocational education resourcing and training to ensure an appropriately skilled workforce for working with hydrogen.
  5. Provide an industry interface on hydrogen technical matters for external bodies and consumers, including municipal approving authorities, emergency response services and other industry bodies.
  6. Provide general technical advice and guidance to Committee members as appropriate and reasonable.
  7. Provide appropriate advice to other AHC committees for broader policy and communications.
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