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WG4: Risk and investment


1. Identify the barriers to commercialising projects and develop information and policy positions to address these barriers.

2. Develop and advocate for policy to establish and grow the market from pre-commercial to sustainable.

3. Examine the impacts of overseas investment incentives and develop policy to mitigate any negative outcomes for the Australian hydrogen industry.


Katerina Aleksoska, AHC: [email protected]


WG4 is seeking to identify the barriers to commercialising projects in order to facilitate the development of the new projects required to bring the Australian hydrogen industry to scale. This will involve detailed information gathering from a range of stakeholders to develop the tools to assist proponents through the project life-cycle.
As an initial step, the Secretariat is engaging with international stakeholders to examine investment stimuli in use in other countries seeking to establish a hydrogen industry to determine their suitability for the Australian context.

The Risk and Investment Working Group was initially established to identify common barriers to investment and sources of risk across the hydrogen sector. We lost chairs several times and it was difficult to access information. The key challenge to the development of the industry is its pre-commercial nature and uncertainty around when the market would mature. This is where we will focus more now on Australia’s global competitiveness across a range of issues.

In the second half of 2023, we have had significant developments with the consultations on the Hydrogen Headstart, Sustainable Finance Strategy and Carbon Leakage Review.

Work in 2023

1. Response to IRA and attracting global capital and international partnerships

2. Investor needs: risk sharing and financing packaging

3. Safeguard Mechanism

Recent material

230803 Consultation on the design of Hydrogen Headstart Program

230123 AHC SUB NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme


AHC webinar – 220928 – Briefing on US Inflation Reduction Act with Frank Wolak from the FCHEA

220923 AHC SUB FED Amendments to the Safeguard Mechanism

210815 AHC SUB Development of a Low Emission Patent Box